Download Pseudo-Science and Society in 19th-Century America Ebook {EPUB} {PDF} FB2

2015-04-16 1

Download Pseudo-Science and Society in 19th-Century America by Arthur Wrobel - mirror 1 ---> mirror 2 ---> mirror 3 --> ---------------
Synopsis: Progressive nineteenth-century Americans believed firmly that human perfection could be achieved with the aid of modern science. To many, the science of that turbulent age appeared to offer bright new answers to life's age-old questions. Such a climate, not surprisingly, fostered the growth of what we now view as pseudo-sciences -- disciplines delicately balancing a dubious inductive methodology with moral and spiritual concerns, disseminated with a combination of aggressive entrepreneurship and sheer entertainment.
Such sciences as mesmerism, spiritualism, homoeopathy, hydropathy, and phre